Welcome to CheckMark’s Blog!
Welcome to CheckMark Blog!
At CheckMark, we’re excited to launch our very own blog! Ta-Da! We welcome lots of feedback from readers and hope to understand what sort of information you’d like to see featured on here. Currently our plans are to hold discussions on current news that effect small businesses, keep you updated on payroll and tax law changes, and provide guidance and answer questions related to our products and services, particularly software- the good ol’ how-to’s. We may even show a little humor on the way. We are actually quite funny here at CheckMark, even if though payroll isn’t overly funny on its own. Who knows, we might even reveal enough information to let you know CheckMark is comprised of real humans (not robots!) living in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado.
If you haven’t heard, just a few miles West of town in the mountains, the High Park Fire has been a-blazing. We’ve been fortunate enough here to not have any employees need to evacuate. It’s pretty smokey here though, that’s for sure. At 10% containment, it’s still a big threat. A big shout out to all the amazing volunteers and firefighters keeping Fort Collins safe. Our thoughts are with you and our hearts go out to all the evacuees.