Tax Talk: How Do I File My W-2s Electronically?
Before you can send the file you create in Payroll, you need to go to the Social Security Administration website and get registered to file electronically:
After you register, it takes 5-7 days for the SSA to send you your USER ID # you’ll need to file. Once that is received, you can setup payroll to create the file.
In Payroll:
• Click on W-2 & W-3 Statements under Reports
• Select the EFW2 File radio button and make sure “Federal” is in the drop down list
• Click on the EFW2/W3 Setup button & fill in the fields on this window. The User ID, is the number you receive from the SSA after registering. The WFID is not filled in unless this is a resubmission.
Once this screen is complete, click OK. Next, click on the “Text File” button at the top left of the window and save this file to a location where you can easily find it. Leave the name of the file as W2Report.txt. Once this is done, you can login on the and follow the SSA instructions to submit the file.