5 Ways to set Small Business Goals
Setting small business goals and moving forward has always been a tough call, business goals are no different. Putting it all together on paper being the easy part, implementation and taking action for the same may take a back seat owing to procrastination or something else. Some may also call the art of formulating the goals as a total waste of time and frustrating exercise as one never achieves those no matter what.
In the article below I would like to bring forth few easy and doable techniques that are sure to not only change your perspective on goal setting but would also leave you doing something in this regard the moment you finish reading what I propose. Giving time in analyzing your current business situation and what you aspire to be empowers you with a thorough know-how of your state and this would help you in taking an informed and intelligent course of action. The five ways below presents a realistic approach towards goals setting for your small business and would ensure that you don’t fail in achieving them…ever!
1. What is your Current Situation?
Be clear with your current business situation and standing and what your ambitions are for it. Be clear and better put it on paper. It is highly important that you be absolutely certain about your financial standing, business accounts, money in bank accounts, sales that are due and the overall business process. Once the picture of your business standing is drawn with the minutest details, you are ready to take it to next level – i.e. the business standing that you want and goals that you should achieve to signal that you have achieved what you started for.
2. Roadmap it with diligence
Your Road map should typically have a five-year horizon. Though the final list of goals may seem a bit overwhelming initially, keep in mind that you have to break them further into sub-goals, something that you would achieve by the end of the year. With experience you would also appreciate that these yearly measurable goals helps in formulating and clarifying your overall vision.
3. Be Micro Task Oriented
Going further ahead you have to calibrate your yearly goals against weekly and monthly achievable tasks. This may typically include sales goals, revenue goals. For instance, if you want to see a rise in the month over month sales goals you will have to increase the cold calls effort every week or maybe outsource warm leads from a third party to increase the no. of call and achieve the sales goal.
4. Stay Focused, Stay Put
Creating the small business goals and working for them is good but it doesn’t guarantee success unless the efforts are consistent and seamless. Sticking with your micro-tasks and keeping the bigger picture/vision in your view requires focus. A lax in the daily and weekly routine and tasks wouldn’t harm if done once in a while, but a regular lapse would be detrimental in your race towards your goal. So be vigilant for such occasions and make it up by working for extra hours.
5. The Key – Work Hard and Organize yourself
This is perhaps the most important but often less understood ingredient for your success. Several entrepreneurs spend the entire day carrying out usual business activities but don’t priorities their activities and act accordingly. Instead, it is suggested proper time and resources should be shelved out so that the entrepreneurs could spend satisfactory amount of time in working towards achieving their yearly goals and weekly tasks deliverables. Organizing your time this way will leave with more energy by the end of the day to think clearly and on the ground.